What we do?

Crystal Lake Fish Ltd. over the years has made a very huge impact in the field of Aquaculture and general fishing farming activities in Ghana.

We are a nationally recognized, award winning supplier of fast-growing tilapia fingerlings. Successful fish farms need fast-growing fingerlings, and you cannot compromise on quality. Remember that a “big fingerling” does not make a fast-growing fish! Make sure that you get the best possible stock!

Below is a list of some of the products and services we are best known for, so far as fish farming is concerned in Ghana and its environs.


At Crystal lake we offer high quality fingerlings at affordable prices.

  • We also provide technical support and working in partnership with our customers.
  • We also hold our customer satisfaction in high esteem since they are the reason why we are in business.


We offer hands-on fish farming training in Ghana with a range of aquaculture experts offering fish farm advice. Get the latest tips and learn about fast growing tilapia fingerlings! Our training includes business skills and investment advice on fish farming. Courses can be tailored to different groups.


Our Training Programme

Crystal Lake has supplied over 500 small holders with fingerlings and technical assistance over the years. Crystal Lake has specialized in small farmers and is currently managing a number of community projects including Kodiabe Cooperative as part of the company’s social responsibility. Crystal Lake has organized a number of training programs for small holders including working with Auburn University to train a number of farmers on Low Volume High Density production Technology.

Crystal Lake Fish Farm is the leading training center in West Africa for anyone who wants to set up a fish farm and learn the secrets of what it takes to run a successful aquaculture business. The farm with its over ten years experience has excellent facilities for students attending training courses. This means that it is possible to study all aspects of tilapia production, including the use of concrete ponds, earth ponds and hapas.

Crystal Lake also has large cages, which are located on Lake Volta. As the farm has extensive land-based resources and immediate access to the lake, it is possible for students to get direct experience of a wide range of activities.

In addition to essential technical skills, the training provided by Crystal Lake also covers management issues relating to marketing, establishment of appropriate systems and procedures, and human resource issues.

Particular attention is given to assessment of risk, and how key decisions affect the financial success of the business. The Crystal Lake team are able to draw on their wide-ranging experience to offer tips and advice that can make the difference between success and failure.